The author, Nandhagopal Muralithar, is a student in Tamil Nadu, India, and an aspiring writer. This series of episodes are meant to be a parodist work on how he sees the turnings of the world around him. It must be understood that all episodes shown here are fictional, and yet based upon true events which he has countered, or watched close ones counter in his life. The author means no offense to anyone, and wants to make it very clear that all posts on this blog are meant to be a mockery and a satirical fiction inspired by events. They are meant to make one smile and move on, and not to be thought much upon.
As the title suggests, this is the Supreme court of Inconsequential ponderings, and hence it is the author's humble request that the brains be left behind for this one.
The author operates another blog, which is for his emotional release. To read his opinions and poetry, kindly visit him here.
To contact the author, one may mail him at his email id.